RPP : SMA - X/I (6)

RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Intisari :
Materi dan Penilaian BAHASA INGGRIS
Khusus untuk SMA – Kls.X/Sems.I

Teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk procedure,contohnya ;
Materials needed:
Two players, one marble per person, a hole
in ground,a line (distance) to start from.
You must dub (click marbles together)
You must check that the marbles are in good condition and are nearly worth the same value. Dig a hole in the ground and draw a line a fair distance away from the hole. The first player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole. Then the second player tries to throw his or her marble closer to the hole than his or her opponent. The player whose marble is closest to the hole tries to flick his / her marble into the hole. If successful, this player tries to flick his or her opponents marble into the hole. The person flicking the last marble into the hole wins and gets to keep both marbles.

Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, Contoh :
1)  Indikator   Membaca nyaring teks procedure  
     Teknik      : Tes Lisan
     Bentuk     : Melengkapi dialog
     Contoh     : Complete the dialogue below using the suitable expression!  
2)  Indikator   Menulis teks berbentuk procedure  
     Teknik      : Tes Tulis              
Bentuk     : Tugas Individu
Contoh     : Make writing by completing the following procedure text
Instrumen Penilaian :
Make writing by completing the following procedure text. Dont forget to use time connectors in your writing.
Tomato Soup
• 4 large tomatoes • spices
• 1 small onion • ½ teaspoon of salt
• 8 cups of water • ¼ teaspoon of pepper
• small clove garlic • ¼ teaspoon of butter
1. Cut ……………………………………………….
2. Fry ……………………………………………….
3. Add……………………………………………….
4. Heat ………………………………………………
5. Turn……………………………………………….

Pedoman Penilaian :
Aspect of Scoring     Low (45-59)     Average (60-75)     Good (76-100)
1. Pronunciation
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. Gestures.