RPP : SMA - X/II (1)

RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Intisari :
Materi dan Penilaian BAHASA INGGRIS
Khusus untuk SMA – Kls.X/Sems.II

Responding to expressions of congratulating and complimenting.
1. great
You look great!
2. charming
What a charming dress!
3. fantastic
That's a very fantastic!
4. congratulate
I must congratulate you!
5. terrific
Nice to meet you
6. farewell
See you later
Terrific. Well done!
8. extremely
How extremely nice of

Teknik dan Bentuk :
Teknik           : Tugas individu, Kuis, Ulangan harian.
Bentuk          : Tertulis uraian singkat dan pilihan ganda, Lisan.  

Contoh Instrumen :
Answer these questions orally.
1. Have your ever got any achievements in your life?
2. What was the best achievement you got?
3. How did you feel when you got an achievement?
4. How did people respond to your achievement? Did they congratulate you?
5. What do you say when you want to congratulate someone?
6. How do you respond to someone congratulations?
7. What do you say when you want to compliment someone?
8. How do you respond to someone compliment?