RPP : SMA - X/I (3)

RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Intisari :
Materi dan Penilaian BAHASA INGGRIS
Khusus untuk SMA – Kls.X/Sems.I

Materi : Expreesing happiness
-oh, I’m so happy.
-I can’t say how pleased I am.
-I had a splendid time there.
-What a marvelous place I,Ve ever seen.
-It’s an interesting experience.
-It’s an outstanding adventure.
-It’ a sensational trip.


Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, Contoh :
1)  Indikator  Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur dalam wacana 
     lisan interpersonal/transaksional: dalam berbagai acara secara senang 
     dan bahagia.
     Teknik      : Performance Assessment (responding)
     Bentuk     : Melengkapi dialog
     Contoh     : Listen to the tape carefully and choose the correct responses 
                     to the expressions you heard.    
2)  Indikator  Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan 
     interpersonal/transaksional: dalam berbagai acara secara senang dan   
     Teknik      : Tes Lisan
     Bentuk     : Membuat dialog
     Contoh     : To end the conversation, what would you say to someone.

Instrumen Penilaian :
Listen to the tape carefully and choose the correct responses to the expressions you heard.
For example:
You will hear: Hello, I'm Cut Nia. I'm your neighbour.
What's your name?
The correct response for the expression is ....
a. Hello, Cut Nia. Nice to meet you.
b. Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo. Nice to meet you.
The correct response is (b) Hi, Cut Nia. My name is Edo.
Nice to meet you.
1.       a. Good morning. What's your name?
b. Good morning. I'm Deni.
2.       a. How do you do?
b. Hi, Desi. How are you?
3.       a. I'm just fine.
b. Good morning. My name is Risa.
4.       a. What's your name?
b. Hi, Rudi. Nice to see you.
5.       a. Good bye. Nice to meet you.
b. Glad to meet you, too.

Pedoman Penilaian :
Aspect of Scoring     Low (45-59)     Average (60-75)     Good (76-100)
1. Pronunciation
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. Gestures.